
Domain & Hosting Set-up

Mayella Designs relieves the hassle of setting up your custom Domain and Hosting to display your website online. This includes the Secure Socket Locker installation for Free to ensure your website is safe and secure for your online visitors.

Responsive Coding & SEO Integration

Responsive coding allows your website to work cohesively on any web browser, tablet, PC, MAC, or mobile device. Search Engine Optimization being implemented helps with your Google Rankings.

User Friendly Navigation

Mayella Designs creates custom designs at your request. Layouts are simple, legible, and easy to use. This will boldly and effectively explain your profession all in one simplified digital creation. 

Custom Dashboard

Mayella Designs will develop a simple custom dashboard for you to login and make any future changes or updates to your website. We will also incorporate Google analytics so you can monitor your website traffic.

Custom Edits

We offer custom photo or video editing as long as this can be provided in the requested format.
(.svg / .png / .jpg / .mp4)

Optional Monthly Maintenance Package

We will keep your website up to date on a monthly basis to prevent crashes, assist with revisions, photo edits (.svg / .png / .jpg / .mp4), and remain as your web tech contact for any questions you may have regarding your website.

Do You Want The Right Clients Coming To You?

Before customers even think twice about stepping foot in your door, 63% of people are sure to look you up on the internet first. Websites can make a huge difference between your business looking mediocre or professional. You can have social handles, but that doesn’t set you apart from Joe-Shmow down the street who can handle some free social media attention... 

Invest in your business and stand out against your competitors with a unique, client targeted approach to bring in the clients that will keep coming back. 


"This Isn't Just A Website, This Is The Digital Billboard Representation For Your Business.
Don't You Think Its Worth Investing In?"

~ Sara Thorn ~
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