How Many Hats Are You Wearing?

In my experience I often notice business owners trying to wear all the hats. That means you don’t get the ultimate opportunity to give your business 100% of your time and effort. Allow me to take over the reigns by doing what we do best, like designing your website. This gives you the ability to focus on what you do best, running your business!

What Can Mayella Designs do for you?

Incorporating Innovative Designs

We create a custom design at your request, that is innovative, and user friendly. This allows your business to stand out against your competitors, giving your customers a brand to remember.

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Domain and Website Hosting Setup

We take the load off by setting up your website domain, and hosting so you don’t have to! This also includes the installation of a Secure Socket Locker which will ensure you have a website that is safe and secure for your clients to access.

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Integrating Search Engine Optimization

Over time the implemented keywords integrated throughout your site will allow your customers to find you when searching for your services online. The more clicks you get, the higher Google will rank your website.

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